How to Achieve Modern Metal Guitar Tone like ALLT with Dr. Mike Trubetskov

In this video, Dr. Mike Trubetskov shares his insights on creating a modern metal guitar tone similar to the band ALLT, produced by Buster Odeholm. He discusses the importance of precise processing, amp sims, cab IR selection, and EQ techniques to achieve the desired tone. Mike also provides a step-by-step analytical approach to sculpting the tone, listening to different frequency bands, and adjusting low mids, lows, and highs. He highlights the impact of using tools like dynamic spectral equalizers and analog EQs for refining the final mix. This episode is packed with valuable tips and techniques for modern metal production.

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Your Journey from Tiny to Huge Djent Modern Metal Guitar Tones

I analysed Lance Prenc’s Axe FX Pack for Modern Metal Guitar Tones and discovered some universal principles of creating Modern Metal Guitar Tones. Which I am keen to share with you in this video! Muiltitracks by Arturs Macevskis – Kublai Khan Self Destruct Cover

Tags: Mixing Metal Australia Metal Mixing Metal Recording Studio Mixing Metal Melbourne Metal Producer Engineer Metal Recording recording metal home studio mike trubetskov recording metal guitars mastering metal music djent, guitarist, heavy guitar tone, mastering metal music, metal guitar, Metal Mixing, metal mixing engineer, metal mixing studio australia, Metal Producer Engineer, Metal Recording, Metal Recording Studio, metal recording studio australia, metalcore, mike trubetskov, mixing hardcore, Mixing Metal Australia, Mixing Metal Melbourne, mixing metalcore, mixing modern metal, modern metal guitar, recording metal guitars, recording metal home studio, recording studio australia, recording studio melbourne

Ranking 24 Metal Recording and Production Techniques: Worst to Best. Find These Out!

Ranking 24 Metal Recording and Production Techniques: Worst to Best. My take on using all the modern techniques and whether they are applicable or overrated!

tags: Metal Mixing, Metal Producer Engineer, Metal Recording, metal recording australia, Metal Recording Studio, metal recording studio australia, metal recording studio melbourne, mike trubetskov, mixing engineer, mixing engineer melbourne, mixing engineer metal, mixing metal, Mixing Metal Australia, Mixing Metal Melbourne, mixing metalcore australia, mixing metalcore melbourne, recording metal guitars, recording metal home studio

Into The Vein – Wreckage

The amazing Modern Metal Metalcore band Into The Vein have released a music video for Wreckage alongside with the EP “Paradise Lies”.

Check out our Recording and Mixing Modern Metal work with Into The Vein!

Metal Guitar Layers – Make It HUGE! Reasons to Record Harmonies, Doubles, and Quads

In this video, I talk about Metal Guitar Layers, and how to record these for Modern Metal Guitars. – Reasons to record harmonies and doubles. – Layers for Rhythms. Harmonies. Vibrancy. Quads – Layers for Leads

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