Unlock Epic Metalcore Drum Mixes in Seconds – Free Template for Reaper & Superior Drummer 3 Revealed. Reaper Metalcore Drums

Free Mix-Ready Template for Modern Metal and Metalcore Drums in Reaper with Superior Drummer 3. Reaper Metalcore Drums.

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Free plugins that you need to use the template:

Ignite Amps PTEq-x [https://www.igniteamps.com/#pteq-x]

Valhalla Supermassive [https://valhalladsp.com/shop/reverb/v…]

Softube Saturation Knob [https://www.softube.com/saturationkno…]

D16 Frontier Limiter [https://d16.pl/frontier]

Audio Damage Rough Rider 3 [https://www.audiodamage.com/pages/fre…]

Gclip [https://www.gvst.co.uk/gclip.htm]

MJUCR Klangheim [https://klanghelm.com/contents/produc…]

Brainworx Bx Subfilter [https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/pr…]